Tasks on Work Orders

Tasks on Work Orders

It can be difficult clearly communicating all of the key requirements necessary for a job to be considered fully completed. To make this easier, Field Nation allows hilighting key portions of the job as tasks. Tasks can then be checked as completed by the assigned provider, which gives instant visibility to the buyer of the work. Tasks must all be completed before the assigned provider can mark the work as fully completed.

Tasks appear as a new section during work order creation.

They are optional, you can simply uncheck them if you’re not interested in using tasks.

New tasks can be added by clicking the “New task” button. The new task will appear at the bottom of the list ready to be configured.

You can choose who the task is for, they’re generally for the assigned provider, but tasks can also be set as being for the manager of the work order. This can allow giving visibility into parts of the process the provider may be unaware of, but would be helpful for them to see. The provider would see the task and whether it is complete, but would be unable to mark it as completed.

You will then be able to choose the type of task. Many tasks are sophisticated actions such as collecting a picture, or getting a tracking number for a shipment. These tasks are impossible to mark as completed without actually performing them. Other tasks are just marked completed and trust is given they were truly performed. It’s helpful to think of the tasks more as assisting the provider to know what is expected, rather than verifying it is done.

Once the type of task is chosen, additional configuration will appear and can be filled out.

If you’d like to notify somebody upon completion of the task, you can select the bell icon. You can then enter one or more email addresses to notify.

If you’d like to make it clear when a task is expected to be completed, you can click the clock icon. The time is set relative to the task it comes before or after. This only affects how the task is displayed, and is not strictly enforced.

Click the done button to finalize the task. You can then drag the task to the proper position in the list.

To make changes to other tasks you can click them to edit details.

When the work order is created, the task list will appear very similarly to the edit view. As tasks get completed, they will become checked and highlighted in green. The view on both the buyer and provider side are basically identical.

Performing the tasks is just a matter of clicking them. Some tasks require input from the user to complete, and clicking them prompts for that input before the task can be completed.

Providers are required to complete all tasks meant for them before they are able to mark the work order as completed.

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