viewing and editing company information

The User’s company address, contact information, and other related items can be found and edited in the Company Information screen. This information needs to be updated immediately every time it changes outside of the system.


1.                   Select  from the Company Administration Box to display the Company Settings screen.


2.                   Select to display your company information.



·                     Company Name
The name your company uses to do business with Field Nation


·                     Address 1
Your company’s street address


·                     Address 2
Usually the suite number if the building is not stand alone


·                     City
The city where your company is headquartered


·                     State
The state or province where your company is located


·                     Zip Code
The postal code where your company is located.


·                     Website
Your corporate website


·                     Contact’s Name
The contact person at your company


·                     Contact’s Phone
The direct line for your contact person


·                     Contact’s Cell
Your contact person’s cell phone number


·                     Cell Provider
The company providing service for your contact’s cell phone. This is used for receiving sms/text updates by phone.


·                     Contact’s Pager
Your contact person’s pager number


·                     Contact’s Email
Your contact person’s e-mail address


·                     Tech Blocking Permission
The specific access levels (Admin, Manager, Dispatch) with the ability to block a technician


·                     Critical Alert Address
Desired destination for emergency information


·                     Doc Uploads for Techs
Determines whether technicians either may, must or cannot upload documents with a  work order


·                     Work Order Print for Techs
Determines if a technician can print the work order


·                     Counter Offer
Determines if a technician can submit a counter offer for the work order


·                     Policy & Procedure
Terms and conditions that appear on every work order and must be accepted by the technician before beginning a job


3.                   Click to access the editing screen.

4.                   Make any desired changes.

5.                   Click  to save the changes.